Write for Us

Share Your Home Decor Expertise!

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Homedeck! We welcome guest posts from passionate home decor enthusiasts who want to share their insights, tips, and creativity with our community.

Why Contribute to Homedeck?


    • Reach a wide audience of home decor enthusiasts.
    • Showcase your expertise and build your online presence.
    • Connect with a community that shares your passion for stylish and cozy living.

Submission Guidelines:

We’re looking for high-quality, original, and engaging content that aligns with the theme of Homedeck.com. Here are our guidelines:


    1. Relevance: Ensure your topic is related to home decor, styling, DIY projects, or similar themes.
    2. Originality: Submit only original content that has not been published elsewhere.
    3. Quality: Provide well-written, informative, and engaging articles with a minimum of 800-1500 words.
    4. Formatting: Use clear subheadings, bullet points, and images to enhance readability.
    5. Images: Include high-resolution images related to your content (ensure you have the right to use them).

How to Submit:


    1. Pitch: Email us your guest post pitch at info@homdeck.com with the subject line: “Guest Post Pitch: [Your Proposed Title].”
    2. Approval: We’ll review your pitch and respond within 2 days. If approved, we’ll provide further instructions.
    3. Submission: Once your pitch is accepted, submit your complete article as a Word document, including images, to info@homdeck.com.
    4. Bio: Include a brief bio (50 words max) with a link to your website and social media profiles.

Our Focus Areas:


    • Interior Design Trends
    • Stylish DIY Projects
    • Home Organization Tips
    • Seasonal Decor Ideas
    • Inspirational Home Tours

We reserve the right to edit content for clarity, style, and SEO, and may include relevant internal links.

Note: Guest posting opportunities are currently unpaid.

Thank you for considering Homedeck.com as a platform to share your expertise. We look forward to reading your submissions and collaborating with you to inspire our readers in creating stylish and cozy homes!

Warm regards,



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